Getting Cheap Auto Insurance for Teens

Getting decent insurance rates for your teenager might seem like it's impossible. Add to this all the other concerns surrounding your newly licensed driver, and the prospect of your teen being on the road can quickly become intimidating. Luckily, there are a few insider tips and tricks that can help you save on your insurance, even for teenagers with a brand-new license. Stay Practical Safe driving starts with the vehicle your teenager will be driving. Insurance rates will be a lot more reasonable if you purchase your teen an older model car that's both safe and practical, rather than something sporty off the lot. Remember to focus on having plenty of safety features rather than looks, no matter how much your teen begs you for something fancy. Not only will this kind of car keep your teen and their passengers safer on the road, but you'll rest easier as a parent knowing that they're in a good, solid car. Teaching Responsibility Teaching your teenagers to be responsible in all aspects of life is an important part of parenting, and your insurance rates is one aspect where those habits can really pay off. The highest insurance rates out there are for drivers from age 16 through 25, and largely because that age group has a tendency to be very reckless. However, when a teen shows evidence of being more cautious and trustworthy, insurance rates will come down. The easiest way for teenagers to show that they're good drivers is by maintaining a good reputation in other aspects of their lives, particularly by keeping their grades up well. To an insurance company, a teenager with good grades is already more responsible than many of their peers, by doing their homework and studying. Also, students who care more about good grades are probably the same students who are focused on obeying the rules of the road and not taking risks while driving. In short, these are kids that insurance companies feel better about representing. Driving While Educated Another way parents can keep insurance rates down for teens is by learning the driving laws in their state. Your teen will probably be required to take a drivers' education class to get a permit at all, but there may be additional options for education that can lower auto insurance rates even more. For example, a special defensive driving class may lead to discounts. Another place of education is to find out if your state has any driving laws that relate only to teenagers. For example, some states won't allow drivers under 18 to have passengers who are also under age 18. Other states may allow cell phone use while driving but only for adults. Being aware of these laws in advance can not only help keep your teen safer on the roads, but also help maintain your cheap auto insurance by avoiding getting ticketed for any moving violations.

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