How Your Job Affects Car Insurance Quotes

Did you know that what you do affects how much you pay for car insurance? It may seem unfair, but it's completely true. When coming up with car insurance quotes, insurers will look at all the statistics they can find-- and that includes statistics about your job. If you are a pilot, a scientist, an actor, or an artist, then consider yourself lucky. On average, these jobs have the lowest car insurance rates. It may be tough to figure out what these occupations all have in common, but we'll help you out: they all require you to have an extremely detail-oriented, meticulous nature. People who are retired and people who work from home also tend to have lower rates, but it's not due to the nature of their job. Rather, it's due to the fact that they don't have to travel to and from work. They drive less than the average individual, which means that from an insurers point of view, they are less likely to get into an accident. If your job is high in stress, then that will likely reflect in the car insurance quotes you see. Doctors, lawyers, judges and business owners all have higher-than-average car insurance payments. If your job requires you to be constantly under stress and constantly sleep deprived you are more likely to get into an accident. For example, doctors are almost as likely to get into an accident as teen drivers! But it isn't just high stress jobs that will cause your car insurance to increase. If your job requires you to be on the road a lot, that will work against you as well. That's simply because the more you drive, the more likely you are to get into an accident. That means that if you are a delivery driver or own a taxi, you will most likely see higher car insurance quotes. Even if you don't drive as a profession, you could see higher rates; electricians, construction workers and salesmen are all generally required to drive a lot for work, which means that they will be given higher rates. You'll also pay more for insurance if your job requires you to travel with high profile clients. For example, journalists will see some of the highest rates out there, just because of the nature of their job. This is partly because their profession requires them to travel a lot, but also because of who they could potentially have as a passenger. For example, a sports journalist might be prone to traveling with sports stars. If the guy in the passenger street is the next Michael Jordan, an accident could mean a career-ending injury. And that, of course, means a very large payout. Unfortunately, unless you're interested in a career change, your profession isn't something that you can alter to get a better rate. While the statistics may work against you, that doesn't mean you can't get discounts in other areas. If you keep a clean driving record or own a car loaded up with the latest safety features, that could help you see lower car insurance quotes.